Jeannie Vincent. How I love you and your mad makeup skills. How I also love your story telling abilities and your harrowing experience at the groomers. Wait, the groomers? You heard it boys and girls, J.V. is a dirty dog. Alright, so she's not. But she did go to town on her mane with a bottle that isn't only tested on animals, nope that's right, it's MADE FOR animals. And I would say, the results are nooooot too shabby. As much as I'd like a shiny coat, I mean uh head of hair like the one above, i'm gonna pass on Fido's brand and go with some Bumble and Bumble I think. Anyway, makes for a good tall "tail" (yeah, i'm using the tail joke again, so what, it's my freakin' blog)!
Full disclosure of the deets of this event can be found at one of my favortie blogaries linked after and with the necessary disclosure, the ending isn't as tearful as Lassie but it ain't Lady and the Tramp eitha!!!